Monday, September 11, 2006

Voice Lessons

Voice lessons are open discussion forums. One instructor sits in on the discussion for a full (40 minute) class length to encourage discussion, and help with language when necessary. For my first few lessons the class was just interested in talking about me, where I'm from, and why I came to Japan.
They ask "Can you use chopsticks?" and "Can you eat raw fish?"
When I answered yes to both, the whole class "ahhhh" 'd in approval.
Funniest thing I've been asked so far - "I am wondering... in Canada are there many houses made of wood?"
I didn't comprehend at first... "well, yes, they normally use wood for the frame of the house..."
"but the logs? Are there houses made out of the logs?"
"Oh! Log cabins??? You want to know if Canadians live in log cabins???"

Kids training begins today. Should be fun!



Anonymous said...

You know you can't blame them for not knowing, when we moved to Calagary I found it strange that houses did not use brick, they used almost all stucko

your friends in Japan said...

Derrick - take care of those huskies!
When I've asked people about Canada, one of the first things they always say is "maple syrup"! Given that a lot of maple syrup bottles actually have log cabins on the label, the question shouldn't have surprised me so much.

Des - very true, and also the lack of knowledge goes both ways: I expected more people in kimonos here.

Arlene - my commute is thankfully not bad at all. At the train station, just a few minutes away from our apartment, I catch a 14 minute ride to a smaller town to the north. My branch is directly across the street from the station in that small town.
Almost every Japanese person I've asked has recommended visiting Kyoto. Tara and I plan to take a weekend trip as soon as we hit a payday.