Incriminating photographs of your work supervisor are always good ones to hold onto for later.
Here's Piers and Ben caught in scandal. Piers is responsible for my on job observations. You can bet I'LL be getting good reviews next month!

This picture is good enough quality to make a magazine cover.
Hmm... now you're all wondering what kind of sick magazines I read...
Well, no turning back now!

This is about half of the people I work with every day. They're good people. Nathan (top beside me) is now back in Australia. Ben (second from right) is back in England. But they were darn good times while they were around.
Note how it looks like my head was pasted onto my body in this picture. Strange. I assure you I was really there.
Note the authentic American decor, also. This is one of many establishments that strives for an authentic Western atmosphere. Kind of nice for nostalgic-homesickness-remedy-purposes, though I actually prefer the Japanese izakayas... cheaper, and better food!

Its JEFF!!!!!
Yes, he really exisits, and he is really our friend. This shot is from the time him and I attempted to see Gifu Castle. We failed that goal, and got lost, BUT I did manage to sort of understand a bus driver's directions!! Woooo!!

These next few pictures are also from Gifu, though on a different day. Ian and I decided we wanted to see the castle. Once again, we failed. But it was a gorgeous day!! Bet it wasn't 17 degrees celcius anywhere in Ontario today!!! (Mom and Dad....I don't want to hear about Florida's weather..haha)

We started to walk up the mountain a bit towards the castle. Though we didn't get to actually see it, the scenery surrounding was well worth the trip.

Good job Ian for being tall! The sun was setting and the view was great, but the bushes were tall, and in the way of me and my camera.
This bridge was really nice, and there was a waterfall and little stream running around us. This is what is great about Japan. You can step out of the city, and into the past. You get the feeling that the area hasn't really changed much over time.

I think the path we were on lead all the way up the mountain, but it was getting dark so we didn't have much time to explore. You can also take a ropeway too the top, but this way is cheaper AND more exciting. One day we will actually make it to the top.
The leaves here really were some amazing shades. Its funny because "the changing colours" are like a national icon here. I never really got it before - the leaves change colour in Canada too. But people here really take the time to stop and admire it. And when you do, you realize how beautiful and amazing it really is.
AND: Finally a taste of Christmas in Nagoya. The next set of pictures will focus more on this, but I want you all to notice the brightly coloured mushrooms behind me. Apparently in Japan, Colourful mushrooms, and dolphins, are symbols of Christmas! Who would have thought....
well duh! dolphins and mushrooms definitely symbolize christmas... I dunno what you're so confused about
Tara, I like that your hat has ears.
Looks like some people are having a little too much fun...keep up the good work!
TARA AND IAN!!! ok...so its official, i am the worst person/pseudo friend in the world because it is december and the first time visiting your web pages! I lost it then found it then lost and and i am finally proud to say i have seen ur videos~! I love the christmas dolphin, we should really look into getting that here in Good Old Ontario! Ahh Sbucks misses u...we have a new partner...several actually...and non as awesome as u and ur boy ian! bahhh
do u have msn? or facebook or any of those fun internet creeper dealies? my email is cinderella_2946@hotmail.com yeah i know...really lame girly email...i was 12! LOVE U ps...this is Lauren Mac!
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