Well, they may not celebrate Christmas, but they sure like to decorate for it! This is Nagoya's main train station, and how Ian and I get to work everyday. The rest of the pictures are all from up top where those trees are.

There were a few main themes running through their decorations. Teddy bears, colourful mushrooms, and down on the street....dolphins.

This picture may be over exposed, but it suits the psychadelic theme beautifully.
These white trees were quite nice and tasteful.....
I find this picture amusing for a different reason though. Back somewhere in our Kyoto pictures is a shot of Ian lined perfectly between 2 tall white trees. He obsessed over how good that shot was for a long time, and I think that is why he requested to have his picture taken here....
Yatta, Yatta!! Teddy bears are cute. This one was sticking his butt out into the amused me.
It took me a good while to get this seat. He was a popular fellow.
The station is always packed, but since the lights have gone up its near impossible to move through. I like it though. The lights make me smile.
Its amazing how well these shots work sometimes. Maybe one day we will actually ask someone to take a picture for us...
I was amused by something here, though I am not sure what.
Probably the bear with the butt...
This little girl was too cute. She was trying to make a peace sign for the picture, but couldn't manage to get that 3rd finger out of the was a good effort though.
I decided I'd show her how its really done.
I was trying to get a shot of Ian with the decorations but this boy ran up super excited and it didn't seem like he was going any time soon...
And finally, what you've all been waiting for. That magical Christmas Dolphin that lines our streets year after year....or at least, the streets of Nagoya.
I just don't get it....Dolphins???