Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Well, I can`t read anything on this page....

This morning I woke up in a daze, with my stomach trembling. I packed up my belongings and Ian and I headed to the airport, where we boarded the largest plance either of us have ever been on. After 11 loooong hours, a bit of sleep, some free beer, and nothing but  white out the window, suddenly we were in another world.  One in which I apparently can‘t use the keyboards...(strange things are happening..)

We‘ll need to take a photo of this to give you the full effect, but try to imagine this for now:  the front of our hotel consists of 4 sculptures of massive heads.  Feet come out of their chins, and yes...indeed when you walk through the heads and enter the hotel, you can look back to see their finely sculpted bums guarding the exit.  Anyway, given that we just had an 11 hour flight, I Think a shower is in order.  I can garuntee you some of the most interesting pictures and bizarre sights you can imagine coming soon to this site. 

Wish us luck!!!!

Ian ANd Tara


Daver said...

Hahahah or they just work too much ;)

Indeed I'm happy you've made it there safe! I can't wait to start seeing some pictures and all the crazy stories.

Anonymous said...

You made it!! Good to hear, and your hotel sounds ridiculous!! Hope things aren't too confusing.
Glad that you had a wonderful time in Van. I loooved the video and pictures. B.C. is such a beautiful place. You guys are two of the coolest travellers I know. Can't wait to hear lots about Japan!! MISS YOU TONS!!

Meaghan said...

whooo bums! sounds crazy! I hope you guys are having a good time so far :). Just like everyone else, I can't wait to see/read more!!!
love you guys lots!!!

Anonymous said...

Was very happy to get that 2:40 a.m. call.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the keyboard operator is drinking too much sake.

Justin said...

Travelling. It's nice. I like. Sounds like you guys are having a swell time. I liked the video. Send pictures and eat sake and drink sushi. Have fun times, but don't forget to floss.

your friends in Japan said...

Lets just say that last night was intense...
I am still not assured that it wasn't just some freaky circus dream...


your friends in Japan said...

Dad - at that point we hadn't yet figured out how to order drinks! We managed to order some weird cocktails in the karaoke bar later. It was cool, the guy brought them up to our private karaoke room.

Luke - I'm ... sorry? Actually if you choose to post as "Other, you can fill your name in without having a blogger account. I see many have figured that out already.

Justin - thanks for the tip. I hope your travel plans are working out well too, and I can't wait for you to come visit us here!

- Ian