Almost on our way
I think we finally have the bugs worked out so everyone can ignore the first couple of posts. Things are slowly starting to sink in, as I had to say good bye to a majority of you this evening. But don't fret; what better to bring a smile to your face that a friendly clown:
I love you all!!!(Bai Dylan! Thats what you get for not coming out tonight)Love From Tara
Hurray, our site works!
I will REALLY miss you both.
Love you LOTS!!!
Alexandra xoxo
Thanks Alexandra!!
We will really miss you too!!
I love you lots and lots and can't wait to go kimono searching for you!
Tara xoxo
Hope you had a GREAT flight to B.C.
Meaghans coming for a sleepover tonight!!!
Alexandra xoxo
Thanks Alexandra!
You're our biggest fan on here so far. We had an awesome flight over the mountains. The sky was very clear, and you could see mountains stretching out across the land in every direction. It looked very pretty. We can see tree-covered mountains, and the ocean from just outside our hostel.
Hey Alexandra!
I miss you lots and lots! I hope you and Meaghan have a fun sleepover together. Ian and I are going out for dinner soon, and when we get back later we are going to post some pictures (take a look at my awesome new pink hat when we post them!)
Our flight was pretty good, but long, though I guess I should get used to that since our flight to Japan on Tuesday is 2 times as long as this one!
Anyways, I'll talk to you again soon. Thanks for being so good at keeping in touch!
-Tara xoxo
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