Saturday, March 10, 2007

A random barrage of photos to keep everyone up to date

Ok, these pictures help recount the month that you all missed. There was a trip to the zoo with Yasushi and his family; drinks with Yasushi & Nathan & Yusuku & Junpe; A Nonami Karaoke Party (one of the Nova's that I used to work at); and I think that might be it for now....anyways, enjoy!


Daver said...

Just to update people on men's fashion (because I seem to know a bit about it seems (who would have thought ME of all people who know anything)), the guy in the thrid picture wearing a white tie is doign it ALLLLLLL wrong. The tie should come down to your belt at least if not a few fingers longer! Well that's your lesson on men's wear, wait for the next lesson when I teach you how to tie a full windsor knot.

Anyway the pictures look great! and look like a lot of fun, keep them coming or else!

Warning: I may or may not be a bit drunk when writting this.

Anonymous said...

HI!! These are all great pictures, and it looks like your having alot of fun!!! (Sorry that I haven't been posting comments recently... I'll try to post more comments now!)

LOVE YOU!!! byyyyyye! xoxo

Anonymous said...

hey guys
great pictures it looks like your having a ball you both look great
we love to see your pictures
uncle bubba says hi too
i love you
love aunt judy and lucy too!

Anonymous said...

Konbonwa, love the photos. Have you guys seen the movie, 'Babel' yet? I think it must be a fairly realistic portrayal of Japanese life. :)