With 204 pictures and about 50 minutes of video it might take us a while to put together some comprehensive posts. But don't fret, we are working diligently on them!!
Keep in mind that all who come visit us will have the pleasure of seeing this amazing land in person!!
Some things to look forward to:
Sanjuusangendo (1001, 100 armed golden buddhas: Though no pictures were allowed inside, the grounds themselves were amazing) -

Ginkakuji Temple (The Silver Pavilion): We felt like we were in Rivendale from Lord of the Rings. Seriously - I didn't know such places existed in real life -
Higashiyama Mountians (Yes, there is a monkey park in the mountains): quite possibly the cutest creatures I have ever seen! -
Alright, thats all for now, but remember, there is LOADS more to come!!!
I miss you all!
Love Tara!
HOOORAY! Monkies!!!!
Can't wait to see the rest! I miss you Love Mom xoxo
ahh! that's not fair! I want more NOW!!!!
I'm glad you had a good time there; you really deserved a vacation!
love you guys!
Since everyone is saying MONKEY, I'm going to be different and say something like...
Nice monkies. Haven't you always wanted a monKEE! Dad says you're tired of that....miss you both
Oops, that's monkeys, hehe
I take it people like monkeys.
- Ian
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