In Ichinomiya city today, EFL teacher Ian Matheson was relieved by his narrow escape, but not too surprised as he read the top headline in today's news:
For our less ambitious readers, I've extracted the important points:
Nova dealt penalty for deception
Nova Corp., the nation's largest English-language school chain, was ordered by the government Wednesday to partially suspend business for six months for lying to customers about its services.
Nova shares fell 10 percent to end Tuesday's trading at a 52-week low of 88 yen.
With my final pay cheque set to come through tonight at midnight, I'd say I got out JUST IN TIME.
I biked an hour and a half in the rain today. I'm dry now.
hey... sorry I haven't been posting!:) and... One little message for Ian: :) :D ;) !!!!!
Someone was watching over you, it seems! What a fortunate move on your part to leave Nova when you did! (huge sigh of relief) Good boy, EE-un!
Oh yeah, EE, I forgot. What the heck does 'E-Quals Windows' mean??? It's a bit esoteric for me. Talk down to my level in the future wouldja!
Thank goodness for the blog or I wouldn't get any info until August. Do you have Sumo seats for us?
Hey~ This is Tim's friend from Sheridan.
I wrote you guys back in the winter with some questions about Nova and such. I was wondering if I could ask you some more questions over email?
I am supposed to be comming over with Nova for September, and am probably going to be quiting them and getting some other job, so I just wanted to ask you a couple things since you have gone through quiting Nova and finding other employment~
my email is: fressia_33[at]msn[dot]com
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