One of the best things about our new apartment is the great view. We are on the top floor, the "26th," of our building. Of course, the 26th floor is really the 25th floor, because there is no 13th floor in the building.
Here are a few photos from late September.
The building across from us is exactly the same as ours. As you can see, there are not many other buildings as tall as ours around, so the view is unobstructed.

Here you can see a church in the centre, city hall (the white building on the right), and Victoria Park is beneath the tall trees beyond the church.

Some of the leaves have started to change colour already. The weather has been cool, but sunny lately. We had a small amount of snow one night already. I wonder what the city will look like in winter when it is covered in snow.
ohhhh!!!! It's lovely :) You guys got such a nice apartment ne! I want to see inside of it next time!
Hey Yukiko.
Yay! I'm glad we still have some readers. :)
I'm sorry I haven't updated the blog very regularly. I'll try to post more pictures of mine and Tara's life in London for you to enjoy.
You should come see the inside in person!
Can you see the mayor accepting bribes from the construction company....seriously most excellent view, you guys are so posh up there in that swank high rise apartment, don't let it go to your head!
Uncle Al
Hi Uncle Al,
Of course we can't see the bribery going on! The parking lot is underground at city hall.
Thanks for the tip! But don't worry, we don't have any days off to sit around and feel like royalty. By the way, if I ever get a Sunday morning off, I'll see you at church. ;)
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