*photo by Meaghan -- thanks!
I've been back to Canada and am now back in Japan and ready to keep all you avid readers (and even the many secret readers with broken keyboards) in the know on life and adventures in Japan. Of course you'll want to keep checking in, because later this year there are big plans to trek across southeast Asia, and begin the journey back to Canada.
Now where to start... Now I'm back to neatly combed single file lines at train stations, trains that run on time, video rentals for around $2/week, rice on a daily basis, Bindi (an Indian restaurant practically beside our apartment, and despite all the great Japanese food, probably the favourite restaurant of anyone who has visited us so far), guys with big big super-styled hair, guys who care more about fashion than sports, girls who make a career out of shopping, people with t-shirts I can read but not understand (that guy I walked past..."Vanilla Fudge"??? What was that about?), closely packed houses, riding a bicycle or scooter everywhere I go, a safe-feeling and leisurely 30-40km/h speed limit in the city, bowing constantly... a lot of good things and at least a lot of things that are interesting and amusing.
But there will be plenty of time to talk about Japan... still fresh in my mind is...
Now before I lose your attention...some pictures:

New Year's Eve in the Matheson Kitchen.

Devin marks the starting line as Ian and Kevin line up for an epic tricycle race at AJ and Andrew's stag & doe party/highschool reunion for many Centralites.
Luke attempts to use telekinesis to acquire a second drink?
Tara poses with future millionaire Luke Wright, co-creator of Squacon.
Ali does something for the camera, while Ian wears a cool shirt at a Winter Solstice party.
In search of a new job, Dave tries his hand at documentary film-making with his uninspired first attempt "Tim drinks an Appletini while I filmed it on New Year's Eve, and had a lot of fun."
Liquor and beer are ok to mix, but once you add champagne my eyes roll in different directions. "I didn't have that much to drink," Aj claimed the following morning.
Lovely Lauras Lianna and Tim surround a miniature Ian.
The tatoo - one of two. This one is Meaghan's, and Tara has the other half of the matching set.
Tim Golem's Christmas Special.
Well that gives our Japanese readers an idea what a Canadian New Year's party looks like, and gives our Canadian readers an idea what they looked like at a Canadian New Year's party.
Thanks to all the photographers whom I took these pictures from. Thanks to everyone who came around to see me while I was back, it was really great to see you all even if only for a short time. Also thanks to everyone in Japan for the warm welcome upon return. I feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready for the coming year.
- Ian
Kotoshi mo yoroshiku!
Nice to see the pictures since I was unable to make the party. Looks like fun!We miss the 2 of you! Love Mom d
Vanilla Fudge you gotta go wayback man...1967 the last time the leafs won da cup!Anyway heavy psychedelic drumming by Carmine Appice by a partial coverband.Not bad when influences of various recreational narcotics are involved.
GoodLuck in the year 2008!
Ballhockey Dude Al
Great to see some new pics.It was a GREAT party!
Debbie - yes, we missed you at the party too. Nice to be missed!
Ball hockey dude - woah, man.. . that sounds totally... I forget.
I hope I didn't leave ya with too many bruises. Thanks for the luck. Same to you.
Mom - 'twas a great party 'twasn't it? Sorry I didn't have any pictures of y'all, but I've been showing the ones you printed for me in classes.
Ah, what great pics!! I esp. love the first one, and noticed the clock is JUST after midnight, and there's so much Tara and Ali loving going on.
I would also love to see Dave's documentary. I totally forgot about that camera going around.
And I STILL feel I somehow know Tim!! I just can't figure it out!!
Also? It was so great to see you guys over the holidays!! A Japan reunion is in the near future. I can feel it.
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