Ian hard at work in the kitchen... as usual.
As many of my students know, I do almost all of the cooking at home. Students love to ask me what kind of food I make, and whether or not I eat Japanese food at home. I guess the best answer is that Western food is very expensive here in Japan, so I have adapted my cooking to use Japanese ingredients. I wouldn't call it "Japanese food" exactly, but it's certainly Japanese-inspired, or Asian-fusion cooking. Because I get asked about this so often (by people in Japan and elsewhere), here you have it...
Ian's Regular Lunch and Dinner Menu (while in Japan)
> Japanese style curry with rice = カレーライス
> Japanese style curry with udon noodles = カレーうどん
> Fried soba noodles = 焼きそば
> Cold soba noodles = ざるそば
> Cold udon noodles = ざるうどん
> Fried beef, vegetables, and egg on rice = 牛丼
> Fried rice with vegetables = チャアハン
> Spicy tofu, vegetables, and ground beef on rice =
> Omelette on rice/stuffed with rice = オムライス
> Grilled salmon with vegetables = 焼きサーモンと野菜
> Pizza = ピザ
> Salad = サラダ___________________________________________________でも、おいしいかな 。。。? 私達わ後二年間ぐらいでほとんど毎日イアンの料理を食べていて、まだ生きてるから何とか大丈夫と思います。
But is it good? Well, Tara and I are still alive after a couple of years of surviving on my cooking, so I suppose it can't be that bad.
Here's one of my attempts at Canadian-Japanese Fusion Cooking. It's grilled maple salmon with rice, boiled pumpkin and spinach, and fried eggplant in miso sauce. On a related note, Tara has been taking a few baking classes recently at the local ABC Cooking School. She has been bringing home some tasty little puddings and cakes, much to my delight. In fact, I'm quite happy to continue cooking dinner as long as these desserts keep coming my way... hint, hint...

Here's Tara's marble cake. Yes, it did taste as good as it looks.

It WAS great, Tara!
Hint, hint...