Its been a busy and exciting week!
So as you all know, on Friday my family flew into Tokyo's Narita Airport and the plan was for Ian to go and meet them. At the last minute however (due to Japan's Golden Week holiday) I was given Thursday and Friday I could also go to the airport!!
So on Wednesday night Ian and I took our first ride on the famous Shinkansen (bullet train). We arrived safely in Tokyo with the help of some good friends and spent most of Thursday quickly taking in what we could.
My reaction to most of what I saw was simply......"Wow. Tokyo is BIG"
Anyways due to the rushed nature of our visit we didn't really do much and I have only one picture to show....a shot taken in the infamous Harajuku district.
They weren't kidding when they say Tokyo is crowded:

After our rushed half day we met up with Yoshi and spent the night at his families home. Their hospitality was amazing, and we spent a nice night chatting and getting to know some of Yoshi's very interesting friends!! Most communicating was done through hand gestures and innanimate object acting skits but that just made it all the more entertaining!!
Here is a picture of Yoshi and his Mom outside their beautiful home:

The next day Yoshi and his sister Miwa drove us to the airport where we got...
These guys!!!!

And her too.....

Despite the horrible weather we spent our first weekend together wandering around a few areas of Nagoya. Its been interesting seeing how they react to things that we are now totally used to...

However there are apparently things that we have been missing.....
We tried stopping for a beer, but apparently it was 'Tea Time' so all we got was juice and coffee...
Its just nice to be together again though!!!!!

Later that night I introduced Meaghan to Japanese Origami!!!
Hello Froggies!!

I like being with my family again : )

More Pictures coming soon!!!!
Lots of Love