I love Tara.
That's why I decided to propose to her last month before we left Japan.
I guess she likes me too because she accepted!
I proposed on July 6th, and we left Japan on July 9th. Hard to believe that it has been one month already!
Things are good.
I am very happy.
- Ian
Hi Ian and Tara
Omedetou gozaimasu
>I guess she likes me too because she accepted!
I guess or I am sure????
Iziwaruna Jap
Hi Ian,
Congratulations!! I really hope you'll be happy.
It looks you're the type that stay calm whatever happens...like"Samurai"!?!? But I know how happy you are!!!
Sorry for the delay. Thank you all very much for your comments!
Of course I am SURE, but I said "I guess" because I am a modest guy ですね。
それは意地悪な発言じゃなかったですよ。Good question.
Wow! Like a samurai. Thanks, I like that idea!
Other friends have described me as "stoic" before; maybe 冷静な人 in Japanese?
Hi Abeちゃん、
Thank you! I would love to see pictures from the barbeque. Unfortunately, I don't know when I'll be in Japan next, but I definitely plan to come back some day.
- Ian
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