Friday, November 03, 2006

I was going to post more Kyoto pictures.....

But then this happened:

It wasn't my fault!!
I mean really, they tasted fine, other then the few burnt parts...
And considering that I had no measuring utensils and only a tiny toaster oven to cook them in...would you turn me away if I showed up with these??

As for the recipe, I may have to put in a formal complaint. According to this "Angie" person who posted the recipe online, "These brownies always turn out!"



Anonymous said...

hahahaha...thats funny Tara...I would eat them too!


Daver said...

Those are the saddest looking brownies ever... but I would still eat them. I would never turn down brownies!!

mmmmmmmmm brownies

Anonymous said...

Tara, burnt brownies or not I'd never turn you away!!! I would eat them, and, I would LOVE them too!!!

Anonymous said...

But I don't understand...those brownies DO look like they've been eaten!

Anonymous said...

Definitely the oven's fault! I have some no-bake treats. I'll send some AFTER report cards! Janet

Anonymous said...

I meant, recipe ideas. Don't think treats would travel well.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see things are going well, Japan looks gorgeous. :) I am full of envy.

Cameron MacDonald

P.S. I make lj post for j00. g0 see. t34ch to kidz.

Meaghan said...

who do you think you are? me?